Venezuelans in New York, come on, let’s Flickr

Are you Living in New York and don’t know any other venezuelans? Lets come together through pictures at least.

Let’s see how many we are and lets share pictures.

We as Venezuelans need to start learning how to live abroad as fellows. Other cultures tend to help each other, I barely know 3 venezuelan friends here in New York, and that’s because I knew them back in Caracas.

Join the Venezuelans in New York Flickr Group

If there are more Venezuelan bloggers, it’d be great to start joining forces, just like Venezuelan bloggers do in Miami.

4 thoughts on “Venezuelans in New York, come on, let’s Flickr

  1. Hi, I am not living in New York but I live in Nassau, Bahamas. As far as I know, there are just about two other Venezuelans living here. I exchange emails with one of them only. It is the same everywhere, I wish I could find more venezuelans here. Mainwhile, I find confort eating arepas made by me with Arina Pan that are sold in only one foodstore in Nassau.

    Chao y saludos a todos los venezolanos.

  2. Hola, Soy Venezolana Front desk Manager en El Holiday Inn MIdtown New York, quiero a parte de conocer muchos Venezolanos que viven en New York, Invitar a toda esta comunidad a una conferencia con nuestro compatriota Carlos Fraga, a realizarse en El Holiday Inn MIdtown/440W 57th between 9th & 10th ave. el dia 14 Junio a las 7:00pm. Para mas informacion, favor de contactarme. Yudith Fleary al Tel: 718-213-3948, perdonen que use este medio pero es tan dificil contactar a nuestros compatriotas en New York, que me alegro de sobre manera que haya un site disponible para nosotros. Que alegria y por favor llamenme.
    Besos y que Dios bendiga sus corazones

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