Get in the zone with me for a good 15 minutes, maybe you’ll catch a few eclipse tricks and you’ll learn a little bit about how I think (and make mistakes along the way of fixing something on FrostWire)
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Quick Peek at the next generation of FrostWire for Android (1.0.x)
Try the Android 1.0.0 beta installer Here’s a sneak peak of the next generation flagship file sharing client for the mobile world. This next generation will include a brand new user interface with a more streamlined experience, you’ll be able to search, access and consume your files better than ever with FrostWire for Android, which […]
How to shuffle a List (or Array) in Javascript
[javascript] /** * Returns number starting from offset up to n-1 */ function getRandomWithOffset(n,offset) { return Math.floor(Math.random()*n+offset); } /** * Returns random integer from 0 to n-1 */ function getRandom(n) { return getRandomWithOffset(n,0); } /** Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm O(n) */ function shuffleList(list) { for (var i=list.length-1; i>0; i–) { var j = getRandom(i+1); var buffer […]
[CODE/JAVA] Scanner – read a full line
I was solving problems at HackerRank to teach a friend how to code in Java and to process the input data it’s convenient to use Java’s built in Scanner class. However, in one of the problems we wanted to read a whole line at once and we noticed that the Scanner’s API is geared towards […]