[Video] Murders down a 68% in Caracas? Watch the real deal, brutal murder at Locatel Las Mercedes

WARNING: If you have a heart condition, or you can’t see violence, or if you have any children around you, I recommend you don’t watch this video right now. I watched it, and being a native from that city, just hearing how the thugs speak on their aggresive slang, seeing his intentions and then their actions, my heart raced considerably when watching this, I managed to survive a couple of similar situations in Caracas and I’m glad I’m not there anymore to be at risk.


If you managed to get out of Venezuela recently, I hope this helps you get over the home sickness and feel lucky you’re out of that madness.

To all those that think Chavez government is awesome and a cool socialist, I recommend you go and spend 6 months in Caracas, and then we talk. For some reason people from Europe and some cab drivers in New York seem to think Chavez is awesome, fuck that.

And to say that this case is Chavez’s fault is probably crap, since murders on convenience stores happen all over the world, the problem with Venezuela, is that this situation is repeated way too many times a day since we don’t have a few hundred guys like that, we probably have tens of thousands of sons of bitches like those two bastards.

(If someone knows when this took place, please leave a comment, so I can update this post)

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