Video Review: Rockband – Gubatron plays the drums to Metallica – Upload unlimited files for free

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So here’s my pro’s and cons of Rockband, and why I still enjoy Guitar Hero more.


  • The guitar is awesome, it doesn’t make as much noise as the regular Guitar controllers
  • Good Multiplayer, a lot of fun in quickplay with all songs unlocked (UI a little confusing at first though)
  • The Mic gameplay is amazing, exceeded my expectations (although I was scared for a while cause I plugged the mic and it said it wasn’t plugged, and it wasn’t until I read on the internet that I had to plug the gamepad as well…, the game should say… the mic is in but you need a gamepad dude!)
  • More people get to play


  • Songs available are not as cool as Guitar Hero, maybe cause they tried to balance the coolness between drums and guitar. The Guitar player will get bored if it’s experienced in guitar hero, most songs are just dumb chord strumming
  • They promoted the game with Welcome To The Jungle and the song isn’t there, that was dissapointing after clearing all the songs
  • When playing the Tour in multiplayer, it’s a pain in the ass to unlock more songs, and you’re forced to play the same songs over and over again, and you get bored and stick Guitar Hero III for another 2 hours
  • 2 Friends from reported on their podcast their Guitars Broke, I can’t say the same yet
  • The noise of the drum’s is very annoying to even the drum player, no matter how loud you play the game you’ll still hear the TAC-TAC-TAC,
    then your neighbors will complain, and then you’ll have to play with headphones, which is the best solution so you don’t hear the damn plastic sound.

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