[VIDEO] Welcome my son – Made in Venezuela

This short film based on Pink Floyd’s song is a graduate thesis project brewed out of the most prestigious communications school of Venezuela at UCAB, which also happens to be my alma matter.

Venezuelan talent, can’t wait to see more of these talented team, I think they have what it takes to be the latin american Wachoskies. Keep dreaming, keep working for those dreams, and put no limit to your dreams, that’s my humble advice.

I think this goes to show how technology is leveling the field for talented people, this was done (according to the credits) with only 4 people and lots of work. I would speculate and say this was done using Final Cut Pro, After Effects, and on the 3D animation side I’m not gonna make any guesses, it’d be awesome if it was done using Blender3d, perhaps the creators will come and comment on this post about the making. I talked to Viviana and she said they’re producing a DVD with a making of, and producer’s comments audio on top of the video.

If you are a venezuelan blogger, please mirror this youtube video


Starring Alvaro Godoy
Created by Juan Carlos Redondo and Viviana Reveron
3D Animation and Special FX by Jesus Roldan Zozaya

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