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Parque Central – Base Jumping from the Twin Towers in Caracas
During the summer of 2008, a couple of Venezuelan Parachute Base Jumpers (Carlos and Pedro) got together with Propela Productions to make a short film about an extreme dream of the jumpers, Jump from the Base of one of the Twin Towers of Parque Central in Caracas, Venezuela. They format published in YouTube was divided […]
Frozen Grand Central
207 people did something really cool at Grand Central station in New York. I’d like to be part of it next time they do it. It’s all organized it seems by a group called Improv Everywhere Global, they like to create scenes.
What it’s like to Drive a Tesla Model S [VIDEO]
(Make sure to turn on Captions, the GoPro microphone is not the best) Quick video demoing the details that make a difference of driving an electric car.