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Updated my resume
For who may concern, here is my updated resume. My best wishes to in their new projects. Its time for me to move on to new challenges as a software developer (new people have to fill in for the geeks that make all the goodies right?), so I’ll be joining from tomorrow a great […]
So I did go to Austria!!!
I guess I haven’t had too much time to blog. I came with some teamates from LimeWire to Austria for something we geeks call a ‘SnowSprint’. It’s a Code Sprint, which means, people from all over the world come to work together, to teach and learn from each other, 7 days, everybody inside an amazing […]
Capoeira Senzala Venezuela
capoeira senzala venezuela Originally uploaded by Gubatron. This is a picture of my little sister Nicole in front of the Capoeira Senzala Venezuela ( it seems as if she was teaching the class. The location is a late 1800s jail turned into a museum in Caracas. The lighting is amazing, the place makes you feel […]