What’s Happening in New York with Tech Companies?

I think a lot is happening, and I’d like to point out some people that have finally started writing about all the tech activity of the “Sillicon Alley”, and most important, organizing meet ups and events that can help us network and get the word out there of whatever it is that we’re doing here.

If you’re about to make a release of your new tech product and you’re in the New York City area, maybe you should bump your elbow to these sites:

  • Next NY

    A fun way to connect both socially and professionally with young people who have a stake in future of tech and new media in New York City

  • AlleyInsider.com

    We cover the intersection of the technology, media, and communications industries, with a focus on companies and people making waves in New York. Specifically, we provide news, commentary, and discussion about digital publishing, entertainment, news, music, social networking, mobile, and gaming.

  • NY Tech Meetup

    On the 1st Tuesday each month at 7PM, 6 people get 5 minutes each to demo something cool to New York’s tech community (geeks, investors, entrepreneurs, hackers, etc)

  • That’s it for my list now, please comment to contribute more links and I’ll update with your links.

    One thought on “What’s Happening in New York with Tech Companies?

    1. Hi Angel:

      I like this blog. With me being a fan of simplified site and page structure, this is a very cool design. As you know I dipped into the New York Tech Meetup for the very first time on 07/10/07 and I brought along my big fat camera to take some pics to create a web album for those who could not be there. I will probably make the next NY Tech Meetup but then after that in September I will return to my studies in MBA School at Baruch College, where I will have classes on Tuesday nights for the next 10 months, which will prevent me from attending the Meetups. In anycase it was nice to meet you, and keep up the good work.

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