So this guy named Jonathan Coulton quit his job as a software analyst and created this song which he licensed under Creative Commons. This is himself singing the song live: but since it’s licensed under Creative Commons, anyone can use the Intelectual Property and do fun things, so these guys decided to make a Video […]
Tonight, July 31st of 2007 I had the privilege of attending a talk by the man himself, the creator of the C++ language, Bjarne Stroustrup. He was sharing with us how things are going for the next version of C++0x – The 0x stands for a possible year of this decade where it will be […]
Update: You might want to read this new version of the code instead. Thanks ispak I was playing with a hex editor recently and then I thought it would be pretty easy to make a program to output what you see on a text editor. Here’s a quick & dirty Hex Visor I wrote in […]