Zune and Wifi Enabled MP3 Players will finish the Radio.

Some people say FM radio is already dead, but still its a medium where a lot of companies put their money.

I want to write this post to make a little more emphasis on why I think the Wifi feature of the Zune portable media player should be the hottest thing about this gadget, and why I’m so pissed that apple didn’t release Wifi capabilities on it.

A lot of people say “Why do I need Wifi on my iPod”, I just can’t help but wanting to smack them in their mouth when they say this.

I’m not sure what are the capabilities of the Wifi on the Zune, but If it were up to me, I’d let it connect not just to other Zunes (which would be awesome to share music on the L train here in New York where 50% of the carts are iPod populated) but just think of what happens once you get to the office and you have a WiFI connection…

The stupidest use, is synchronization with your machine without cables, I really don’t care about that one.

The best use I see for it is the possibility of first downloading anything to the player, best of all podcasts.

In the future I suppose the capabilities of these Wifi enabled media players will be such that you’ll be able to stream to your Zune (and hopefully to you ipod) making it possible for all us podcasters to be able to release live shows.

The inclusion of WiFI on portable devices, added to ubiquitous Wifi connectivity (or imagine WiMAX enabled media players) will kill the FM radio spectrum, and radio will start being broadcasted from the internet at much lower costs.

Any entrepenour with half a brain will want to grab a bunch of podcasters that are doing well and make his own Internet Radio Stations.

Mark my words, the WiFi feature of the Zune should be its most attractive feature, Microsoft is totally onto Apple, Steve you better hurry and put some show with “AirPodding” or something like that.

Other uses include of course, browsing the web, _READING_ email (can’t imagine typing an email with the wheel, but maybe voice recognition software could be included years from now), etc. etc.

The future is now.

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